Friday, July 27, 2007


I hate excuses especially lame ones.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


When You're Gone - Avril Lavigne

What happens when you're lover forgets your special day? What would you do? Thats all I'm thinking of right now... Meanwhile, I'm selecting candidates to substitute him for the important day.

Monday, July 23, 2007


Laughing is usually associated with happiness and silliness. But today, I laughed at a very inappropriate time, ie. during ethics class...

My classmate J who was sitting next to me all of a sudden started doodling on my notes during our meaningful ethical debate. She informed me about something peculiar about our professeur's left sock. It was ripped and with his legs crossed, it was kinda obviously showing with his trouser ends slightly pulled up. Without any particular reason, nor was the information super comical, I cracked up. I couldn't stop laughin for at least 10 minutes. I was so embarrassed but the way from my seat to the door was faraway enough to have stopped me from dashing out the door. Because by trying to escape, I would have made a scene. So I kept laughing intermittently for 10 minutes. Miss J beside me joined in the craziness with me so I was not alone.

This is not the first time something like this happened, I remember a couple of years back we were having our orientation ceremony and the department head was talking on stage and I was in the front row. After her long and meaningless speech, she attempted to step back down to go back to her seat, across from the corridor from me, but she didn't make it - she fell off the 2nd step of the stairs and landed beside, yes, my seat. And I was shocked but suddenly could not help but laugh (well, I was actually trying to not laugh out loud so I had this twitched up smile on my face) because her hair was in a mess and looked like a tornado flewby next to her. I then tried to help her up but she had this mean look on her face. (well, who could help laughin...) And then ever since she's glared at me everytime we come across each other. Trust me, if she fell again, I would laugh again but this time I'd laugh out loud.


Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hot asian body

That look, originally uploaded by Andy Loh.

Asian beauty

Asian shirtless bodybuilder, originally uploaded by anto66.

Something that is hard to come by...

Licious lickin

licking rays of sunshine, originally uploaded by emilola.

Mesmerize me please

, originally uploaded by emilola.

Why do Asians have full eyes...


Boyd, originally uploaded by lovemongerism.

I wanna look like that one day.

Might pectoralis

, originally uploaded by emilola.

What else is there to say...

Unilateralizing my world of friends and heterogenizing the gender

My last entry seems like ages ago. Not that I have nothing to talk about, its just that I've been exploring a new world that I've neglected for a long time. No, its not drugs or alcohol or anything like that. Well, I pretty much am devoid of friends of the same gender. Ever since a major crush of my then male best friend back in highschool. I've been avoiding certain types of friendships for the most part. Perhaps its their immaturity, or perhaps I was afraid to get my heart crushed again. Despite having found myself a stable partner for the past couple of years, my life is still void of the male sex and what's worst is I have not found myself a bunch of gay friends.

I guess one does not really need to unilateralize their world of friendship but I at least want to have a sector of friends that can understand me in mind and spirit. As much as my lovely pool of hot babes and munchkins that listen to me moan about my unfortunate life every week and again, they could not understand totally what I need or want to hear. This was evidenced by my babe Moni who recently discovered, with a little bit of my help, that her brother could actually be a candidate that was willing to get into my pants (No, it has never happened... yet!) that even friends who don't mind that you're gay actually only means, well, that its your life and not theirs. Moni was totally ok when I first came out to her and we had lots of fun talking about my gay life and her not so gay life that was also full of drama. But when we accidentally stumbled over her brother's love life she wasn't as accepting then. How did she find out? Well, it was coz she was being nosy and found that her brother had a lusty SMS message in his phone. Thinking it was a hot chick and all, she went to find out who it was. And our little hunt revealed that it was not a hot chick with big titties but a hot dude. I was kinda thrilled because I always had the funny feeling that her brother was just too into pumping up for his own good. And he actually loves working at Banada Republic (brandname clothes store under Gap Inc.) . Moni, on the other hand, flipped. But she's now accepted it.

Anyway, so I've been living my life with my favourite things, my textbooks and notes, and discovering the unexplored domain of gay friendships. I'm hoping once I start working I would actually start meeting some of these people. Friends of the male gender, something I've yet to conquer. Btw, its not that I don't have any guy friends, but I never tell them anything, its mostly small talk and I'm sick of giving career advice and telling them to straighten up the life. Hopefully, my crusade of heterogenizing my pool of friends will succeed. Wish me luck. But one thing I found interesting was that homosexuals do pay a lot of attention to physical appearance. (maybe I should consider working out at a gym to get a 6-pack, or maybe yoga) Another thing is that they get pissed off easily. One time, I sent this guy a message that I intended to send to someone else, he flipped and ignored me ever since. It was mostly an error of cutting and pasting. I do try to personalize my messages when I try initiating conversations, but come on how many versions of " Hey man, how're you doing?" can you come up with? Give me a break... But that guy was really hot, so I'm gonna keep trying. Haha. Ya, hopeless ass. yes yes.