Saturday, June 9, 2007

Paris Hilton back to jail...

Paris Hilton was just ordered back to jail in Lynwood to serve out the remainder of her sentence! She'll get credit for at least 5 days already served. Hilton left the courtroom in tears, screaming, "Mom, Mom, Mom." Hilton was also heard saying "It's not right." One witness said that Paris was "physically escorted" out of the courtroom by a female deputy. Hilton's mother was later seen pacing the hallways, telling reporters, "I'm paralyzed right now."
I liked Paris and her histrionic craziness. I was intrigued when she first portrayed herself as a bimbo on her reality TV show and showed how many spoiled rich kids behaved. It was truly funny. Now that she has done somethign deserving of punishment, she probably should get punished for her naivity. Perhaps after that she can be a true Hollywood star instead of trying to seek attention from the tabloid press as if she was an all American sweet heart. But nonetheless, Paris is a hot chick.

Friendship hunting

Recently, I've been in search of new friendships. Friendships in cyberspace. Many years ago, I've attempted a similar adventure when I was still young and naive. Now that I'm more mature, at least in my own mind, I hope to venture into areas I have not really touched upon before for new friendships. Friendships with people who are the same as me deep within. I want to know more about these species of people. That is, I wanna know more about myself through the process. Its so mysterious to have someone you don't know talk to you. You can talk about anything and everything. Perhaps these friendships would last, perhaps not. But I do have friends who have cyber friendship turn into marriage or long lasting friendships. At this moment, friendship is something I crave. Not that I don't have any friends but I crave to understand more about people and their natures, what goes on other peoples' lives. I wanna live their adventures and see what they see. Perhaps my perspectives on life is too narrow and limited, and thats why I have such desire. Would you lend me a hand on my adventure?

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Won't it be a lot more amazing
if you were dancing with Mario
instead of Eva. And look at Eva's
legs... they are amazing!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Happy birthday

Happy birthday to my little sister.

I'm so happy this particular birthday.

Why? You might ask.

Well, she found a JOB!

I'm so proud of her.